Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Woah, Joel created a blog?

Hello Kats and Kittens, Family and Friends!

Yes, It is true I have finally decided to begin a blog. why you ask have I finally made the leap to begin a blog. Well the answer is, I was pondering today on what forum I could really express some thoughts and happenings in my life and decided that making a blog seems the most fitting choice. So here we go Blogosphere land!

Reasons for creating this blog in no particular order (topics that will most likely be discussed later on)

1. To talk about school and various other school related topics

2. To talk about work and new developements with work

3. Vader was framed (nuff said)

4.New movies coming out (particularly DC and Marvel Comics movies) and my rating of them.

5. Music (will definitely be a big thing in the blog)

6.Shows coming up

7. Politics (sometimes I get a little political and feel the need to talk about it)


9.Reactions to other people's blogs and comments on this blog

10. Comic books and dunny's (for those of you who don't know recently I have become something of a regular collecter of the kidrobot toy dunny series)

11. Favortie TV shows (To include, Heroes, Nip/Tuck, Survivor, etc.)

Thats about it for now folks, Till next time!


jake and erin said...

Vader was framed? Are you going with a modified form of the one-armed man defense a la The Fugitive.....

Vader: It wasn't me in was my one-armed biological son/arch nemesis Luke.... incidentally I cut off his arm... but that's not important now... it was him.

Throw up some pictures

Jim said...

Joel, Welcome to the Blogworld. We look forward to your unique take on life.

Have fun.

Mr. R